Friday, May 9, 2008


I should clarify at the very onset that I am not one of those people who love rain with a passion. In fact I never liked rain. I just could never get past the yuckiness of what rain brings along with it. If I trace back this hearfelt dislike towards rain I will have to go back to when I was 6. I am not sure what it was but even at that age I had already associated some form of gloom to rain. And that was the beginning of this not so lovey-dovey relationship between rain and me. To me rain always meant wet and dirty jeans, slushy, icky roads, dirty sneakers, messy hair, mosquito outbreak, unknown/unnamed flying insects all over the place and falling sick among the many other devilish attributes.
But lately, things have changed. My outlook has changed. Rain makes me smile! I don't know what changed. I have often heard people say how everything begins to appear different in love. Could that be it? Am I in love? Duh! NO! The frequent hail storms could be partially to blame. Or could it be the heat that became so unbearable and made rain seem like a better option. But I have lived in hotter climates. I just can't seem to understand. But right now all I know is that rain makes me happy! :)


~anu~ said...

I love rains!
you almost stepped on my nerves with the first paragraph, but the second was enough to cool me down.
But what brought about the sudden change? Is it one of the reasons you briefly pondered over? ;)

Unknown said...

haha! I only wish! ;)

Angela said...

i think its because recently... everytime it rained , u were indoors... so u just got to watch it rather than being in it. It was only the after effects of rain that u experianced and not the rain itself....

(I feel like a wicked witch who just spoiled dorothy's happiness. He ha haa MUahhhh)

Unknown said...

I think I need to talk to ur mum about changing ur name!

Unknown said...

u r in love vini! u R..... :D

Unknown said...

yes vini..i agree with chinnu.. i was waiting for this to happen.. is it the same guy im thinkin ;-)

Unknown said...

what on earth????

Get a life ppl!

Angela said...

ya ya.. i think it is the same guy ashwathy... she told me so.... :) sorry vini.. u know i cant keep a secret...

Gemini Gal said...
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Unknown said...

oh wow.. congrats vini :)